transatlantic mojo
  BREAKING NEWS: Ireland enters the 21st century; Mr. Unpronounceable O Cuiv cries salty tears in a pub in An Daingean Ye ancient Celtic gods! The changes this place is going through! First the IRA finally realizes both violence and balaclavas are dumb and passe, and now...

Is Ireland next to allow gay unions?

I certainly friggin' hope so, because it's about time certain friends of mine here got to be here legally with their life partners. 
I can't wait until the rest of the world becomes civilized and legalizes gay marraige and makes America look like a backwater for trying to ban it with a constitutional amendment.

And I'm American too.

Megan is not gay - she just kisses girls (myself included).

-jen o'reilly
Ah yes, misty watercolor mem'ries of the days when lesbianism was a party trick.

(I'm sure any of the Hedwig groupies who had a crush on me-as-Yitzhak [shudder] would LOOOVE to hear that little nugget of information.)

But yes, I do read sites like and The Advocate, and I've got big semi-lesbianic love on the Dykes to Watch Out For comic.
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